Not always in a safe state website, when people attack our website , all of our data would be stolen , if our data confidential data is stolen then we are not safe.

What is under attack in our website :

Website Attack Protection
In 2013, the total attacks Increased Website ~ 35 % . Why do they do that ? The answers is simple , they attack your website to lower your position from search engines . If your website is not reachable to search engine spiders , you will lose your rank on search engines .
  • Scrape Protection
  • No Right Click Protection
  • Image Theft Protection
  • Text Copy Protection
  • Add Source Link When Copied
Content Theft Protection
In 2013, the copied content issues Increased ~ 30 % . Content stealers are using various content scraper softwares to automatically or manually steals the content of other websites . Spammers always try to steal other Content With our improved Theft Protection , you can stop content stealers .

  • DDOS Protection
  • spam Protection
  • Clickjack ( iFrame ) Protection
  • Flood Protection
  • Database Injection Protection
Malicious Bot Protection
Malicious bots run automated tasks over the Internet . Typically , bots perform tasks that are both simple and structurally repetitive , at a much higher rate than would be possible for a human alone . They can automatically fill the inputs , submit , comment , e - mail and collect your contact information and spam all day .
  • Bad IP Protection
  • Malicious Bot Protection
  • Auto Update Bad IPs
  • Web Crawler Spy Protection
  • Auto Update Malicious Bots
But do not worry, I will provide information to the security of a website, you can give it a try and please test it.

Trackmant. Yes, Trackmant is a website security guard for helping webmasters to Prevent DDOS attacks , thefts and malicious content bots. These are why Trackment is the best in the industry?
  1. Cheapest prices compares to others
  2. Very easy to use
  3. You can also earn money by inviting new users
  4. Great user interface for easy usage and functional
  5. You can try free trial
  6. Works in all kinds of Websites, blogs, forums etc..
  7. Trackment guarantees you to work 7/24.
  8. You'll just need to add Trackment code to your website to make it work
For information u can go to link Trackmant and try it